Boudoir Gift For Husband Turned Self-Love Celebration

Plus Sized Woman Boudoir Photo

When we begin consultation calls with future Vixen Society clients we always ask “Why do you want to book a boudoir session?” We receive a wide varieties of why’s, but there are some reasons that stick with you long after a shoot has finished and your client has left with her photos. For me, that “why” came from Ms. S.

She was interested in booking a shoot for her husband as a joint birthday and anniversary gift - talk about being the BEST WIFE EVER! They were celebrating 35 years of a whirlwind romance, sweet enough to renew your faith in love, but just like some of our favorite love stories there was an antagonist at play. Her husband had been facing a rare and serious heart problem that left her feeling uncertain, but ready to fight for him in any way that she could. Although the gift of boudoir left her feeling nervous to step outside of her comfort zone, they had been fighting for each other, growing with one another and loving fearlessly since they were teenagers and nothing was going to stand in their way.

The instant that Ms. S walked into the studio it was like reuniting with an old friend. Her infectious energy had our entire team smiling and ready to give her the experience of a lifetime. It wasn’t long into hair and makeup when we learned that not only was she a beautiful soul, but that she was also a warrior deserving to be celebrated. A few years prior to the shoot she was diagnosed with cancer and took on the challenge with grace. When you have gone through a traumatic medical event like that, it is easy to believe that your body has failed you. It is easy to feel detached or negative about your self-image. And it it difficult to step into your power once again, but for Ms. S that was exactly what she intended to do. It was in that moment that I realized this shoot was for more than just the love between her and her husband, it was also to reignite the love she felt for her own body again - scars, memories, and all.

When we were in the client closet together all pre-conceived worries about styling and sizing drifted away and the excitement of this new glamorous chapter began to really set in. I’ll never forget watching her smile at herself in the mirror while telling me “I feel like a Goddess”, in which I of course replied, “You are!” The next hour absolutely flew by, because we were having the time of our lives. Ms. S was never afraid to try unique poses and it was very apparent that she completely placed her trust in my hands. When she came back to us for her ordering appointment we received the best response in the form of yelling explicitly at the top of her lungs about how hot she looked and felt. There’s nothing better than hearing your client say “THESE ARE FUCKING AMAZING!” But the truth of the matter is…they really are. These photos were some of my favorite to date, because they embodied what an incredible person Ms. S truly is and continues to transform into. They signify her strength, they showcase her beauty, and are a testament to how much she loves herself.

Since her first boudoir session with us, Ms. S has immersed herself in our community of badass boudoir babes. She has come with us to events, been the light at our girls night parties, and she has supported every Vixen she meets. We could not be more grateful to have her in our Vixen family. And if you’re wondering about her hubby…don’t worry he got his happy ending as well. He absolutely loved all of the photos and the empowerment of his wife. He has been known to show off her photos to strangers and even had a print made to put on his side of their bedroom wall so that she is always the first thing he sees when he wakes up. And even more importantly, his health is looking up. In almost all cases, boudoir seems to be the cure for broken hearts, no matter the cause.

Emma Jaye


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